The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials

Guideline for Appropriate Submission of Paper to Avoid Multiple Submissions

This guideline has been provided considering the present global situation of the becoming-severer standards of the multiple submissions and the increasing retracted papers as well as the diversification of standards depending on the times, the academic field and each journal.
Please read it carefully and submit your paper appropriately to Materials Transactions (hereafter abbreviated as Mater.Trans.).

1. Judgment of the Multiple Submissions
1.1 Definition of the Multiple Submissions
  In general the multiple submissions are defined as to submit papers, which are regarded as substantially the same, to multiple journals or others against the rules, while in this guideline the multiple submissions are defined as to submit a paper to Mater. Trans., which is regarded as substantially the same paper as the one already-submitted to other journals or others against the rules.
1.2 Outline of the Judgment of the Multiple Submissions
(1) With appropriate citing, the only overlap in statements with the already-submitted or published paper is not regarded as the Multiple Submissions.
(2) The Multiple Submissions are comprehensively judged based on both explicitly stated overlaps, the standards, rules, the editorial policy and so on at the time of the submission
(3) The judgment of the Multiple Submissions varies depending on the category of the article.
(4) The judgment of the Multiple Submissions is applied regardless of the publication media such as book or the electronic journal.
1.3 Standards about the Multiple Submissions
The judgment of the Multiple Submissions is comprehensively performed based on the following items.
(1) Contents of explicitly stated in the paper
  When there are about over 1/3 overlaps in the main body, figures and tables, abstract or conclusions
  without appropriate citing, the submitted paper is explicitly regarded as the Multiple Submissions.
  A slight difference in writing or the style of figures or tables is substantially regarded as the Multiple Submissions.
(2) Submission time and Publication time
  Case 1 It is revealed that the paper is submitted to the other journal prior to Mater. Trans.
--It is regarded as the Multiple Submissions.
Note: In the past, the publication time was also considered in judgment of the Multiple Submissions in some cases, however, now only the submission time is considered.
  Case 2 The paper had been submitted to Mater. Trans. and later the paper was also submitted to the other journal and the paper is published earlier in other journal.
--It is regarded as the Multiple Submissions and the paper submitted to Mater. Trans. shall be rejected with editor's notice.
  Case 3 The paper had been earlier submitted to and published in Mater. Trans. and later the paper was published in the other journal.
--It is regarded as the infringement of copyright and not as the Multiple Submissions.
(3) The category of Paper
  The standards of the Multiple Submissions vary depending on the category of paper.
The examples are shown in the accompanying sheet.
(4) Exceptions established by the submission rules
  It is permitted that the paper, which has been published in Journal of The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials (hereafter abbreviated as J. Japan Inst. Met. Mater.) in Japanese, can be submitted to Mater. Trans. within one year of the publication in the J. Japan Inst. Met. Mater.
(5) Items determined at the Editorial Committee
  In the following cases, they are not comprehensively regarded as the Multiple Submissions in spite of the overlap of explicit statements in the paper. However, the authors should take an appropriate copyright procedure to get the reproduction permission of the figures and tables.
  Case 1 The essence of the whole paper is different from the one of the cited paper or the objective paper for judgment of the Multiple submission.
  Case 2 A new conclusion is stated using the new or the other analysis method with some overlap in the research results.

1. This guideline will be applied to papers submitted to Mater. Trans. after three months of the disclosure of the guideline. The guideline shall not be applied to papers published in Mater.Trans. in the past and shall not be applied to papers to be submitted to the other journals.
2. This guideline may be revised without prior notice for improvement.

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