- Publications
- Materials Transactions
- Guide for Authors
Guide for Authors
Authors Instruction
In submission of the manuscript of a paper to Materials Transactions, it is required to meet the following conditions. | |
(1) | The paper must be clearly written in English and have originality. It has been neither copyrighted, published, nor under contribution for publication elsewhere. |
(2) | Its contents contribute to the academic and scientific or technological development of the metals and the related materials. |
(3) | It accords with Bylaws for Contribution to Materials Transactions. |
(4) | The manuscript has been made according to the Manuscript Instructions. |
(5) | Authors agree to transfer the copyright of the article to the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials. |
(6) | Authors pay the contribution and publication charge when the article is accepted for publication in Materials Transactions. |
(7) | Illegal and inappropriate research conducts are prohibited. The author must agree to accept to be punished for the illegal conduct and to be taken measures for the inappropriate conduct based on the rules prescribed by The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials. |
(8) | Authors agree to preserve the raw data, the experiment note, the specimen, the reagent and so on, which are used to write the paper and can verify the research results, after publication more than five years. |
1. Category of Papers
(1) Regular Article: (Less than twelve printed pages) | |
· | Original articles which include high quality innovative experimental and/or theoretical studies of the material science and technology, which may also report fundamental and academic investigations. |
· | Authors are able to submit a translated article based on an online-published Japanese article, “J.Japan Inst.Met.Mater.” or “Materia Japan”, within two years, when author(s) and contents are basically the same, which has to be stated on the footnote. Nevertheless, there is a chance of rejection, as a result of reviewing process. |
· | Express publication service is available by author(s)' request with the additional fee; papers will be handled swiftly during the publication processes. |
(2) Rapid Publication: (Less than five printed pages are available for publication) | |
· | A short article with original contents which need the rapid publication, such as with novel research results, new knowledge and ideas or proposals on technological developments. |
· | The review process ends in two weeks at the earliest. |
· | The authors need to pay a special charge for Rapid Publication. |
· | Authors are able to submit a translated article based on an online-published Japanese article, “J.Japan Inst.Met.Mater.”, within six months, when author(s) and contents are basically the same, which has to be stated on the footnote. Nevertheless, there is a chance of rejection, as a result of reviewing process. |
(3) Review (Less than twenty printed pages are available for publication) | |
An instruction article fairly describing recent researches, their backgrounds and survey about a particular subject referring important papers for non-particular readers. | |
· | Authors can submit a translated article based on a Japanese article online-published in “J.Japan Inst.Met.Mater.” or “Materia Japan”, within two years. In this case, a footnote is added to identify the original Japanese paper and different parts. |
(4) Overview: (Less than twenty printed pages are available for publication) | |
· | An instruction paper including authors' opinion in discussion. |
· | Authors are required to submit a title of a paper, a list of authors and a synopsis to the editorial committee before contributing. |
· | Authors can submit a translated article based on a Japanese article online-published in “J.Japan Inst.Met.Mater.” or “Materia Japan”, within two years. In this case, a footnote is added to identify the original Japanese paper and different parts. |
(5) Technical Article: (Less than twelve printed pages) | |
· | Technical articles which report original experimental results and surveys about experimental techniques, production techniques, equipment, utilizing technologies, standard, database of metals and the related materials. |
· | Authors are able to submit a translated article based on an online-published Japanese article, “J.Japan Inst.Met.Mater.” or “Materia Japan”, within two years, when author(s) and contents are basically the same, which has to be stated on the footnote. Nevertheless, there is a chance of rejection, as a result of reviewing process. |
(6) Current Trends in Research (Less than fifteen printed pages) | |
· | An article intelligibly explains summary of the current trends in research of papers which has been published in the special issue or has been awarded "Best Paper Award", by referring related papers and their Graphical Abstracts. |
(7) Opinion: (Less than three printed pages are available for publication) | |
· | An opinion or a discussion against articles published in Materials Transactions, as well as replies from the authors. The article must include contribution to the scientific or the technical development. |
2. Prohibition of illegal conduct and inappropriate conduct of the research
In submission, authors should not do illegal conduct and inappropriate conduct of the research prescribed in the rules by the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials. As is exemplified in “Guideline for Appropriate Submission of Paper to Avoid Multiple Submissions”, papers containing the duplicated contents as papers in the company technical reports, the university bulletin, papers submitted to disclosed publication which are not regarded as original papers, abstract for the international conferences and symposiums, and international conference proceedings which has no ISBN or ISSN number are subject to judgment with regard to the acceptability as the original papers. Since authors have the responsibility for the contents of the published paper, the authors are responsible for the accountability of the doubts of illegal conduct and inappropriate conduct of the research when they arise. When the unlawful conduct is proved, an expulsion from JIMM member or a temporary inhibition of paper submission and other research activities in JIMM, warning by an Editor’s Announcement or retraction of the paper will be done as punishment based on the JIMM's rules. When the inappropriate conduct is proved, measures are taken based on the rules prescribed by The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials. |
3. Copyright Regulations
The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials Copyright Policy | |
(Purpose of the Policy) | |
Article 1: | By the resolution of The Board of Directors of The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, (hereinafter called " JIM ") this Policy is set forth for the Copyright Policy for Works (as defined in Article 3) which are submitted to the Bulletin of JIM, the Japanese Journal of JIM or the English Journal of JIM through JIM. |
(Nomenclature) | |
Article 2: | The Policy is named “The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials Copyright Policy”. 2 The resolution of the Board of JIM is required for the alteration of the nomenclature of the Policy. |
(Definitions) | |
Article 3: | Unless the context otherwise requires, the terms defined below shall have the following meanings:
(Object of the Copyright) | |
Article 4: | The Copyright by this Policy is the Copyright Property Right provided in Article 3 Item a). |
(Assignment of Copyright) | |
Article 5: |
(Exercise of Copyright) | |
Article 6: |
(Non-Exercise of Moral Rights) | |
Article 7: |
(Rights of Authors) | |
Article 8: | The Author may use all or part of the Works in compilations or other publications of his/her own Works without paying any royalty to JIM subject to the prior written permission of JIM. |
(Grant of Licenses to Third Parties) | |
Article 9: |
(Prohibition of Multiple Assignment) | |
Article 10: | The Author shall not make multiple assignment and license including publication right provision regarding all of the Copyright Property Right on the Work to a third party. |
(Responsibility of the Author) | |
Article 11: |
(Copyright Infringement and Dispute Resolution) | |
Article 12: |
(Exceptional Management) | |
Article 13: |
(Governing law and Jurisdiction) | |
Article 14: | This Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The parties concerned shall submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Sendai District Court of Japan. |
(Force Majeure) | |
Article 15: |
No delay in the performance of JIM’s obligations hereunder due to earthquake, fire, flood, natural disaster, storm, war, terrorism, armed conflict, labor strike, lockout, boycott, or any other event which is beyond the control of JIM (hereinafter called a “Force Majeure Event”) shall be deemed a default in respect of this Policy nor shall such obligate JIM to indemnify, defend or hold harmless any Author, provided that JIM;
(Effective Date) | |
Article 16: | This Policy is effective for the contribution of Work received on the following date after the resolution at the Board of Directors of JIM is made. |
(Alteration and Abolition of this Policy) | |
Article 17: | The alteration and abolition of this Policy shall require the resolution by the Board of Directors of JIM. |
Supplementary Provisions: | |
The term “Copyright” includes without limitation the following rights: - Right of reproduction (Article 21 of the Copyright Act of Japan); "reproduction" means the reproduction in a tangible form by means of printing, photography, photocopy, sound or visual recording or other methods; - Right of performance (Article 22); the right to perform a work publicly ("publicly" means for the purpose of making a work seen or heard directly by the public); “performance” includes stage performances and musical performances, and "stage performance" means the performance of a work, excluding, however, musical performances ("musical performances" include singing); - Right of screen presentation (Article 22-2); the right to make the work publicly available by screen presentation; "screen presentation" means the projection of a work (other than a publicly transmitted work) on a screen or other object, and includes the replaying, in accompaniment with such projection, of sounds which have been fixed in a cinematographic work; - Right of public transmission, etc. (Article 23); (a) the right to effect a public transmission of a work (including, in the case of automatic public transmission, making a work transmittable), and (b) the right to communicate publicly any work of the which has been publicly transmitted, by means of a receiving apparatus receiving such public transmission; "public transmission" means the transmission, by wireless communications or wire-based telecommunications, intended for direct reception by the public; excluding, however, transmissions (other than transmissions of a computer program work) by telecommunication facilities, one part of which is located on the same premises where all remaining parts are located or, if the premises are occupied by two or more persons, all parts of which are located within the area (within such premises) occupied by the same person(s); - Right of recitation (Article 24); "recitation" means oral communication by means of reading aloud or any other method, but excluding any oral communication falling within the term "performance"; - Right of exhibition (Article 25); the right to exhibit the original of the work (an artistic work or of an unpublished photographic work) publicly; - Right of distribution (Article 26); (a) the right to distribute a cinematographic work by distributing reproductions of such work, (b) the right to distribute a work (a work reproduced in a cinematographic work) by distributing reproductions of the same; "distribution" means the transfer or rental of reproductions of a work to the public, whether for free or for a fee, and in the case of cinematographic works or works reproduced therein, and "distribution" includes the transfer of ownership or rental of, reproductions of a cinematographic work for the purpose of making such cinematographic work itself or the works reproduced therein available to the public; - Right to transfer or assign ownership (Article 26-2); the right to offer a work (that is not a cinematographic work) to the public by assigning or transferring ownership of the original or reproductions of such work (excluding, however, reproductions of a cinematographic work where the author's work has been reproduced in said cinematographic work); - Right of rental (Article 26-3); the right to offer a work (that is not a cinematographic work) to the public through the rental of reproductions of the work (excluding, however, reproductions of a cinematographic work where the author's work has been reproduced in said cinematographic work); - Rights of translation, adaptation, etc. (Article 27); the right to translate, arrange musically or transform, or dramatize, cinematize, or otherwise adapt a work; and -Right of the original author in the exploitation of a Derivative Work (Article 28); in connection with the exploitation of a Derivative Work, the author of an original work owns the same rights as are possessed by the author of a Derivative Work thereof, as stipulated in Articles 21 through 27. The term “Moral Rights” includes without limitation the following rights: - Right of making the work public (Article 18); the right to offer to and to make available to the public his/her work which has not yet been made public; - Right of determining the indication of the author's name (Article 19); the right to determine whether his/her true name or pseudonym should be indicated or not, as the name of the author, on the original of his/her work or when his work is offered to or made available to the public; - Right of preserving the integrity (Article 20); the right to preserve the integrity of his/her work and its title against any distortion, mutilation or other modification against his/her will. |
4. Manuscript Submission
Manuscript is to be submitted on the Web https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/matertrans. |
Available file type
- (1) Text
- MS-WORD (*.doc, *.docx)
- (2) Figures and Tables
- Microsoft Word/ Excel/ PowerPoint
Adobe Illustrator (save as version 10)
JPEG (high resolution, low compressed)
GIF (not see-through, assign all colors)
PDF (no down sampling and no compression, All fonts must be embedded)
5. Editorial Procedure
(1) | The Received date is the date when the manuscript is received by the Editorial Committee. |
(2) | The Accepted date is the date when the acceptance is notified by a reviewer to the Editorial Committee. |
(3) | Papers which violate the Bylaws for Contribution shall not be accepted. |
6. Reviewing
The contributed papers are all subject to peer review by the Editorial Committee, regardless of the original publication in Japanese. Therefore, the paper may be returned for revision or rejected. In the case that the paper was resubmitted after the time limit for revision, it will be regarded as a newly contributed paper. Even if the paper is returned within the time limit for revision, the Editorial Committee can change the received date if the contents of the paper are revised too much.
6.1. Time limit for revision
Regular Article, Technical Article, Review and Overview | 20 days |
Regular Article (Express Publication) and Opinion | 15 days |
Rapid Publication | 7 days |
6.2. Notification of the acceptance of a paper
If the Editorial Committee accepts a paper for publication, the author will be notified in due course.
Major revision such as author addition is not permitted after accepted.
Major revision such as author addition is not permitted after accepted.
6.3. Notification of the rejection of the paper
If the Editorial Committees decides to reject a manuscript for publication in Materials Transactions, the author will be notified with reasons for the paper being rejected.
6.4. Proof reading
(1) | The authors are responsible for the first proof reading, which is requested after typesetting process is finished. |
(2) | All corrections for a main body, tables and figures should be clearly indicated in the proofs. |
(3) | If changes or replacement of the figure(s) and table(s) are needed, please send JIMM new figure(s) and table(s) file. In that case, 1,100 yen(1,000 yen without tax) per one figure is needed to pay for charge. |
(4) | Unless both the corrected proofs and the list of the corrections are returned to JIMM and the payment confirmation is finished in time, the paper will be delayed for Mater.Trans. next issue. |
7. Cost borne by Contributors (all NOT including tax)
1. | Authors should pay the Publication Fee. The ID/Password will be presented to subscribe online journal for one year from publication of their paper. |
2. | The members of JIMM can get member discount of 11,000 yen(10,000 yen without tax) if the paper is more than 6 printed pages. |
3. | In case authors do not include JIMM member and their paper is recommended by referee, reviewer or special issue organizer, they can get an above discount. |
4. | Additional charge is not needed to publish figures/tables in color. Color figures/tables are available only in online journal so journal booklets and reprints will be printed all in monochrome. |
5. | The Express Charge for Regular Article is 11,000 yen(10,000 yen without tax). |
6. | The Express Charge for Rapid Publication is 22,000 yen(20,000 yen without tax). |
7. | The additional reprint charge shall be borne by the contributor. |
8. | When authors want reprints with a cover, the cover charge will be 11,000 yen(10,000 yen without tax) regardless of the number of pages or copies. |
Contribution and Publication Fee
Reprints Fee Table (50 copies per 1 set)
2pages | 3pages | 4pages | 5pages | 6pages | 7pages | 8pages | 9pages | 10pages | |
Author in Japan(10% tax included) | 22,000 yen | 33,000 yen | 44,000 yen | 55,000 yen | 66,000 yen | 84,700 yen | 99,000 yen | 118,800 yen | 132,000 yen |
Author outside Japan | 20,000 yen | 30,000 yen | 40,000 yen | 50,000 yen | 60,000 yen | 77,000 yen | 90,000 yen | 108,000 yen | 120,000 yen |
Within 4 pages | 5 pages | 6 pages | 7 pages | 8 pages | 9 pages | 10 pages | |
Author in Japan (10% tax included) | 7,700 yen | 8,800 yen | 9,900 yen | 11,000 yen | 12,100 yen | 13,200 yen | 14,300 yen |
Author outside Japan | 7,000 yen | 8,000 yen | 9,000 yen | 10,000 yen | 11,000 yen | 12,000 yen | 13,000 yen |
8. Withdrawal of Manuscript
(1) | In the case that a manuscript is withdrawn, a written notice of withdrawal should be addressed to Editorial Committee. |
(2) | If the withdrawal notice is received after the completion of the typesetting, the author will be subject to a framing fee which is a half of the Contribution and Publication Charge. |
9. Erratum
(1) | Erratum can be published if the author hopes after the paper is published. |
(2) | In case of author's mistake, the author will bear the cost for Erratum which is 22,000 yen(20,000 yen without tax) for one article. |
10. Address for the Submission of Manuscript and Inquiries
The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials 1-14-32, Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8544, Japan Tel +81-22-223-3685 Fax +81-22-223-6312 E-mail: sadoku[at]jimm.jp http://jimm.jp/en/ |